Nicholas pooran - NAPS Alumni A Posse Ad Esse Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:58:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nicholas pooran - NAPS Alumni 32 32 Nicholas Pooran pledges support to the cricket team Thu, 30 Jun 2022 00:17:32 +0000 For today’s #welldonewednesday we take a look at NAPS Alumni & international cricketer Nicholas Pooran and his recent visit to Naparima College. Nicholas has pledged to support the college’s cricket team with their equipment needs and to lend support financially. His decision to give back to this institution shows us the passion he holds for
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The post Nicholas Pooran pledges support to the cricket team first appeared on NAPS Alumni.

For today’s #welldonewednesday we take a look at NAPS Alumni & international cricketer Nicholas Pooran and his recent visit to Naparima College.
Nicholas has pledged to support the college’s cricket team with their equipment needs and to lend support financially. His decision to give back to this institution shows us the passion he holds for his alma mater and for the future sportsmen of Trinidad and Tobago. His visit was one which brought great excitement and inspiration to the boys.
Thank you Nicholas Pooran for your willingness to give back to the youth. Our association salutes you. Well done!

The post Nicholas Pooran pledges support to the cricket team first appeared on NAPS Alumni.
