Cephas Coop­er - NAPS Alumni https://www.napsalumni.com A Posse Ad Esse Mon, 27 Jun 2022 00:50:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.napsalumni.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/cropped-napsassociation-logo-white-transparent-32x32.png Cephas Coop­er - NAPS Alumni https://www.napsalumni.com 32 32 Cooper scores 297 against Barrackpore https://www.napsalumni.com/cooper-scores-297-against-barrackpore/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cooper-scores-297-against-barrackpore Mon, 21 Jan 2019 00:47:43 +0000 https://www.napsalumni.com/?p=2595 Na­pari­ma Col­lege stu­dent Cephas Coop­er cre­at­ed a Sec­ondary Schools record when he smashed 297 runs against Bar­rack­pore West in the Pre­mier­ship di­vi­sion at Lewis Street in San Fer­nan­do, yes­ter­day. Coop­er’s bril­liant ef­fort took his school to a mas­sive 394-run win. He went past Kirstan Kallicha­ran’s ef­fort of 194 for Vish­nu Boys in 2013. At that
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The post Cooper scores 297 against Barrackpore first appeared on NAPS Alumni.

Na­pari­ma Col­lege stu­dent Cephas Coop­er cre­at­ed a Sec­ondary Schools record when he smashed 297 runs against Bar­rack­pore West in the Pre­mier­ship di­vi­sion at Lewis Street in San Fer­nan­do, yes­ter­day.

Coop­er’s bril­liant ef­fort took his school to a mas­sive 394-run win. He went past Kirstan Kallicha­ran’s ef­fort of 194 for Vish­nu Boys in 2013.

At that time, Kallicha­ran went past a long­stand­ing record set by Bri­an Lara for the high­est in­di­vid­ual score of 168. A cou­ple sea­sons ago, Kalicha­ran scored an un­beat­en 404 not out against Va­len­cia. How­ev­er, this was in the SS­CL un­der-14 di­vi­sion.

Coop­er’s ef­fort is now the high­est score in the school’s top flight Pre­mier­ship. The right-han­der opened the bat­ting and was dis­missed stumped with still eight overs to go. He left the are­na for 297 made off 142 balls with 32 fours and 12 six­es. His ef­fort took Na­pari­ma Col­lege to a mam­moth 506 for four off their 50 overs.

In re­sponse, a shell-shocked Bar­rack­pore out­fit could muster on­ly 112 – with Ryan Ban­doo tak­ing 5/23, Math­ew Coop­er, Cephas’ broth­er tak­ing 2/28.


At Lewis Street: Na­pari­ma 506/4 (50ovs) (Cephas Coop­er 297, Dar­ren Sam­lal 54no, Kyle Roopc­hand 47, Avinash Ma­habirs­ingh 35, Qwin-ci-Ba­bel 34, Shi­va Ram­lal 2/57) vs Bar­rack­pore 112 all out (Dil­lon Jag­mo­han 28no, Ryan Ban­doo 5/23, Math­ew Coop­er 2/28) – Na­pari­ma Col­lege won by 394 runs.

PHOTO CAPTION: Recorder breaker Cephas Cooper is greeted by Naps principal Dr Michael Dowlath after he broke the record. Next to Cooper is sports teacher at Naparima Richard Nagar. From left back at row is Sivan Ramkissoon and Keston Boodoo. Front row from left is Ryan Bandoo, Nicholas London and Avinash Mahabirsingh. Photo Lester Lall.

Original Article by Vinode Mamcham of The Trinidad Guardian

The post Cooper scores 297 against Barrackpore first appeared on NAPS Alumni.
