Greetings to my Naparima family.
What an immense honour it is to address you as the newly installed Public Relations Officer of the Naparima Association of Past Students. Let me firstly congratulate us all on our steadfast dedication to our alma mater, which was evidenced by the overwhelming turnout at the recently contested elections.
I have assumed this role in order to rejuvenate the lines of communication between the association and the alumni at large. In today’s digital climate it is our duty to use all available platforms at our disposal to disseminate information, gain feedback from alumni and share the happenings of the association, all while building the brand of the college through media and content which is second to none. We have already began to build a robust team of alumni who are passionate and qualified in the areas of Marketing, Communications and Information Technology. The amalgamation of these skill sets will undoubtedly see our association grow from strength to strength.
It is our aim to grab at every opportunity possible to highlight the exploits of the students and the alumni in all disciplines, while garnering and building a network of past students who will facilitate for the development and mentorship of the current student population. Not only must we be able to celebrate the achievements of the college and alumni but we must reflect on the rich history of our institution and remember the unsung heroes who have left the foundation on which we have built a marvel of Caribbean achievement.
Naparima College is so much more than a school. It is a culture, a bond and an identity. I hope to serve in helping us all grow closer as a community by leading my dynamic team of committed alumni, who all share the same vision. A vision which sees Naparima claim the top of the mountain within the digital space and stamp its image in the hearts of all who stand witness to our efforts. I do hope you enjoy this first edition of our Newsletter. Remember, we may have good intentions and have them stated and echoed a million times over but it is our physical efforts that will matter most in the end. Our ideas must bear fruit from which we can all benefit as a collective. The work has just begun.
A Posse Ad Esse.
Yadav Mohip
Public Relations Officer