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Joel Simmons


I bring greetings to all our alumni and to the general public from the newly elected Executive of the Naparima College Association of Past Students. I am truly humbled by the support shown to us during this process of allowing us a chance to serve with dignity and pride. Our mantra from the start has always been inclusivity, transparency and accountability.

From early on, our team recognised the need for vibrancy within the Association. This was evident with the record number of registrants for our Annual General Meeting, coupled with the record voter turnout. It warmed my heart to see so many of us brave the weather and come up on the hill to exercise your franchise. This has not been taken for granted, and now we know that all eyes will be on us to deliver on our promises; something which we relish.

My appreciation and thanks would not be complete without mentioning my Executive of amazing individuals. Not bounded by creed, race, gender or age, our distinct strengths make us a formidable unit to tackle the challenges of the next couple of years and beyond. We are not fixated on titles or positions, but rather on what meaningful change we can bring about during our tenure. There have also been persons working in the background from the very start who were instrumental in shaping our team and ensuring that everyone was the right fit for the job. They chose to remain out of the spotlight, focusing their work on the students and the College; a true testament of service before self. I am proud to be leading this team who all have the College’s best interests at heart.

I also show appreciation to the past Executive, led by Mr. Fareez Khan. Navigating through the Covid-19 pandemic was not easy; being able to give back to the school and students in the manner you did is commendable. I openly invite you all to continue to serve the Association with the current Executive in any way you can and give of your time and effort as you previously did. A strong alumni is a united, connected and vibrant alumni, and this is our vision for the Association. I assure you that we are here ready to build on what you have done while bringing that breath of fresh air and enthusiasm into the Association.

We have many audacious plans to bring forward into the Association. Our focus is to keep you informed, be as transparent and accountable as possible, and most of all to increase the feeling of brotherhood and togetherness by bringing forward your ideas, innovations and skills to the Association.

We have hit the ground running, for we recognise much needs to be done. Our first 100-day plan includes:

  • Hosting two successful events (Vaccination drive and the Brunch on the Hill)
  • Revamp of our social media platforms and newsletter
  • #IamNaps Video series and The N.A.P.S Podcast
  • First quarterly financial assessment
  • Initiating conversations toward constitutional reform.

I urge you all to reach out to the Association, join a sub-committee if you can, and give back as best as possible to the students and College. Naparima has in some way assisted in shaping us into the men and women we are today. Let us continue to carry that torch to the younger generation of graduates, so they can feel the nostalgia, excellence and pride that goes with the name Naparima College. Looking forward to hearing from and working with you all during the course of the next two years.

Let us be always one Naparima.

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