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Posts by: Vincent Emmanuel Singh

Walls House Runs Away With Sports Day 2019

Walls House was declared Champion House, on Friday 8th March, 2019 at the College Grounds on Lewis Street San Fernando..

3P Crowned Interclass 2019 Champs in Seven Goal Thriller

3P was crowned the form three interclass champions on Wednesday 23rd January after they defeated 3N 4-3 after thirty minutes of.

Naps Under-14 Coach Bailey in Wheeling University’s Hall of Fame

Joel Bailey has been inducted into the Wheeling Jesuit University’s Athletics Hall of Fame, class of 2018. Bailey scored ninety.

The Hunt For Sir David Attenborough

It was 2 am Tuesday 30th May, 2017. Satee woke me up. “Manny, yuh know if Sir David Attenborough is.